Boy or Girl???
Quick update – I still need to blog about our past couple of crazy weekends when we went back to Wichita for a bachelor party and then the wedding, but I’ll work on that this weekend. More importantly, Jason and I are going to have our sonogram today and I can’t wait!!! Is it a boy or a girl??? I’m so excited I can hardly stand it, why did I decide to go to work today??? Last night I had a long talk with the baby because the last time we had a sonogram (16 weeks, I’ll also blog about that too, GEEZ, I’m never going to get caught up) the baby decided to sit Indian style the entire sonogram!!! The tech even said that he had never seen a baby sit like that for that long!!! So last night I said that it’s the only time that we need you to spread your legs open wide (especially if you’re a little girl). Hopefully this time we have an understanding. So even though Jason and I are finding out today (YAY!!!) we won’t be telling family until Easter, we really want to do it in person and see everyone’s faces, it’s just not the same over the phone and you can’t blame us, Rita!!! LOL.
Dr. Updates
Since the 8 weeks check-up we’ve made a few visits to Dr. Heit, one around 12 weeks and one around 16. Both were just regular prenatal care appointments, ya know, weight, blood pressure, questions, concerns and my personal favorite, hearing the heart beat!!! Both times the heart beat was around 150. Now it’s just a game of hurry up and wait. On March 31st we’re scheduled for our sonogram and hopefully (baby willing) we’ll find out if it’s going to be a little girl or a little boy. Sorry everyone, those visits were pretty boring, not much happened… Oh, I did get a big fat “you should start watching your calories, you’re a bit over where I’d like you to be as far as your weight”. Really??? 3 lbs.!!! I wonder what kind of speech women get if they’re over 10!!! I looked at Jason and said, “Those damn jelly beans!” Dr. Heit started laughing at me, but really, he told me I should work out 5 days a week instead of my usual 3-4 days a week!!! Are you kidding??? I didn’t work out that much when I was in shape – this baby business is HARD WORK!!!We’ll just see how that goes!!!Last weekend we went home to Wichita, Jason had a bachelor party to attend. It was nice to be back with family, my mom took some photos of the little belly so I’ll add those pictures soon.
8 Weeks
I must say, waiting 4 weeks to go back to the doctor was PAINFUL!!! It was all still so new and I was just so excited to back for my 8 week check-up. Jason came with me (he’s so great), first the nurse wanted me to give her a sample. No big deal, right? Well, I go into the restroom and all they have is little plastic cups, no lids, nothing. So I do what I have to and carry it into my room where Jason is waiting. I swear I thought he was going to toss his cookies right there in front of me, he took one look at that cup and pretty much gagged (a few times I might add). I just smiled and sat down on the table (I mean he’s going to be seeing a lot worse in the near future). The nurse came in and did her thing, weight, blood pressure, etc. and said the doctor would be right in. When Dr. Heit came in he brought the little device that they use to hear the baby’s heart beat, but first he asked how everything was going. I told him about my awful cramps that I have been having, I told him I thought it was just gas (which I knew it was) and I just wanted to know if there was something that I could take, tums were NOT working!!! He basically tells me to suck it up and deal with it (in his nice doctor way) and smiles. WTF? Really? So I must have looked like he just ran over my dog because he said that he’d try to find the heart beat to make me feel better. But there was nothing, he tried for a bit and couldn’t pick it up (he said that it would be hard this early). So he decided to do a sonogram, just to make sure that everything was okay, with the cramps and all. I’m not going to lie, I started to panic a little inside. Jason and I went back to the waiting room for about 10 minutes and then the most amazing lady came and took us back to the sonogram room. She was great, she found our little one right away!!! It was so amazing to see, the baby was moving and kicking its little arm and leg nubs. We got to see the heartbeat – it was so fast!!! 160 beats a minute (perfectly normal). This wonderful woman kept telling me how amazing I looked and that I had a great start to my pregnancy and just how amazing I looked (I really loved her, because at this point I was starting to feel like a fatty). And, Jason was pretty excited because she was calling the baby a “he”, Jason said it was a sign (haha, we’ll see). To the right is our baby’s first picture. Can’t wait until the next sonogram (then we’ll really see if it’s a boy or a girl). Oh yeah… two weeks later we went in so we could hear the heartbeat, it was AWESOME!!! 160 beats a minute. I can’t even begin to put into words how wonderful it is to hear, VERY AMAZING!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
After our first doctors visit Jason and I talked and decided that we would only tell family (until we were further along) about the pregnancy. Even though it was a BIG surprise, how perfect would it be to surprise our family for Christmas. Especially since Jason’s mom has wanted grandchildren even before Jason and I got married (just ask my mom). Too perfect!!! Jason came up with a great way to tell them, I was very impressed.
Here’s what we did, I told my mom and dad that we got a frame and needed a picture of them to go in it. AND, of course my mom didn’t want to and started asking questions, then told me just to use a photo that she already had (GEEZ mom, just take the freakin picture). Finally I talked her into it. They get into their cute little pose and by this time I’m starting to get a bit scared, who knows how they’ll react, my heart is beating so fast I’m not sure how I was able to hold the camera long enough to get a picture!!! I said, “One, two, three say cheese” and took the picture; I looked down and said, “let’s take another one, not the best” (nothing was wrong with that picture). So this time I said, “one, two, three say Jessica’s pregnant” and this is what we got!!!
I’m pretty sure my dad said, “doubt it” and my mom kept saying, “Is this April Fools Day”, finally after a few minutes they realized we were dead serious and this was no joke. Too funny!!! You see, I’m the baby and to them I think I will always be a little girl, so this was a bit of a shocker. But, they are very excited for us and I can’t wait to see them hold our little one.
That night, Jason and I went to church, then back to his parents house for family game night, which we do every year. Jason told his mom, dad and two sisters that we needed a family picture for a frame we got (by the way, did I tell you there is no frame). So I’m holding the camera and Jason says, “One, two, three say cheese”. Again, we took another, this time Jason says, “One, two, three say Jessica’s pregnant” AND what do they all do, THEY SAY IT!!! Jason and I were so confused… he said, “no really, she’s pregnant, and they all just kinda shook their heads and smiled for the camera!!! What are we supposed to do in a situation like this??? Jim (Jason’s dad) got tired of standing there, sat down and starting watching T.V. (WOW, this is even better then I remember)!!! Finally after a few seconds I said, “No I’m really pregnant”. AND then it hit, here’s what happened next!!!
As you can see, they were very surprised, Rita (Jason’s mom) said that this was the best Christmas present ever!!!I’m just so thankful that Jason thought of this, now we have these photos to cherish for the rest of our lives and share with our baby. Next up is the 8 weeks check-up...
Dr. Heit
By this time its around 10:30 and I had just taken the second test. I didn’t want to call the doctor I had been seeing, he’s just weird (my sister knows that story… too graphic). So I called my friend Arica, I started to tell her the story and ask if I could have the name of her doctor (she loved him!). She told me that when I call I need to say that I haven’t been feeling good and that I’m miserable (basically lie… she’s really great). Up to this point I hadn’t been feeling too bad, just tired and achy. She said that was the only way I’d get in before I hit the 8-week mark. So the next day I went to work and called the doctors office. I told the lady that answered the phone I thought I was pregnant (that’s right, I said “I thought”, who cares about the two test that screamed at me the night before). She asked if I had missed my period and I said yes, she asked if I took a home pregnancy test and I said yes, then she asked when was the first day of my last period (WOW, I was on the pill and I still had trouble with this one). She guessed that I was about 4 weeks and told me that they don’t see anyone until around 8 weeks and that she could schedule me in at that time. So what do I do? I LIE!!! (thanks Arica) I tell her that I haven’t been feeling good and that I’m miserable. She talked to the nurse and they decided that I should come in on Friday (it’s Wednesday). Jason and I wanted to get in that week because we were going home for Christmas and if we were for sure pregnant (again, two tests) then we were going to surprise our family. Friday finally gets here. Jason and I get to the doctors office and there was ton of paper work to fill out. As I’m trying to answer these very personal questions, Jason is making silly, inappropriate comments in my ear AND I can’t help but laugh. I’m pretty sure there were a few women in that waiting room judging us. But really, we were so nervous and scared (at least I was) that it was good to giggle out loud.Its our turn and we go back to the room where the nurse takes my weight (No, I will not be sharing) and figures out the Due Date based on the first day of my last period (I still don’t understand how they do this). AUGUST 25, 2009. Dr. Heit comes in and introduces himself and starts to talk to us about the the do’s and don’ts and what to expect, this is where he tells me that its ok if I can’t keep any food down in the coming weeks, just keep drinking fluids, WAIT, WHAT?!? I was feeling fine at this point, but I have say, I started getting a bit nervous.After the brief talk, Dr. Heit steps out so I can change. Remember Jason’s still in the room (first time in this type of situation). As I change Jason starts to play with the height chart, go figure! I sit on the table and as Dr. Heit knocks, Jason runs back to his chair next to me and says, “I wasn’t playing with that”. Dr. Heit just smiles (like he hasn’t seen that before, boys!!!) Now this is where it gets funny. As Dr. Heit does his thing, checking me out (you know what I mean) he starts up a conversation with Jason about sports!!! Poor Jason is answering him and trying to act as normal as possible, but keeps his eyes on the floor the entire time. Dr. Heit gets up and walks over and then starts the breast exam, still talking to Jason about sports AND Jason is still looking at the floor (not that I wanted him to get a good look, but its just so funny to me). I know Dr. Heit was just trying to make Jason feel somewhat comfortable in that situation, but I don’t think Jason knew what he was in for. I think now he might have a new appreciation for what us women go through every year!!!